Displaying 1501 - 1671 of 1671
Name Term description Mass / Office Edit link
Ruperti Salisburgii

<p>Rupert (Rubert) of Salzburg, Bishop</p>

Sabb. Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

<p>Saturday, 5th week after Epiphany</p>

Sabb. in Pent. 17

<p>Saturday in the 17th week after Pentecost</p>

Sabbato Q.T. Pent.

<p>Ember Day, Pentecost (Saturday)</p>

Suff. Adalberti

<p>Memorial chants for Adalbert</p>

Suff. Corporis Christi

Memorial chants for Corpus Christi

Suff. Georgii

<p>Memorial chants for George</p>

Suff. Ludmilae

<p>Memorial chants for Ludmila</p>

Suff. Mariae Mag.

<p>Memorial chants for Mary Magdalene</p>

Suff. Ordinis Carmelitarum

Suffrages for the Order of Carmelites

Suff. Perpetuae, Felicit.

Memorial Chants for Perpetua and Felicity

Suff. Thomae Apost.

Memorial Chants for Thomas the Apostle

Suff. Wenceslai

<p>Memorial chants for Wenceslas</p>


<p>Martyr, Bishop of Maestricht</p>

Transl. Candidi

<p>Moving of Candidus&#39;s relics (Martyr, at Innichen)</p>

Transl. Eustachii

Moving of relics of Eustachius (Eustasius, Eustace), Martyr

Transl. Ludmilae

<p>Moving of Ludmila&#39;s relics</p>

Transl. Ruperti Salisburgii

Moving of Rupert of Salzburg's relics

Transl. Thomae Apost.

Moving of Thomas the Apostle's relics

Transl. Victorini, Floriani

Moving of relics of Victorinus and Florianus to Muenster Cathedral (2 Nov 1164)

Translatio Valentini Epi.

<p>Translation of Valentinus&#39;s relics</p>

Vigilia Bartholomaei

<p>Eve of Bartholomew</p>

Vigilia Jacobi

<p>Eve of James the Greater, Apostle</p>

Vigilia Matthiae

<p>Eve of Matthias, Apostle</p>

Vigilia Philippi, Jacobi

<p>Eve of Philip and James</p>

Vigilia Thomae Apost.

<p>Eve of Thomas the Apostle</p>

Viti et Sociorum

Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, Martyrs


<p>In week after Wenceslas</p>


Wunnibald, Abbot; Brother of Willibald and Walburga

Vig. Stephani Reg.

Eve of Stephen I, King and Apostle of Hungary

De Sancta Cruce

Votive Mass/Office for the Holy Cross

Oct. Petri, Pauli
Agnetis Assisiensis

<p>Agnes of Assisi, younger sister to Clare</p>


<p>Austremonius (Stremoine), Bishop, Martyr, Apostle of Auvergne</p>




Varia within Holy Week

Comm. unius Martyris
Benedictio crucis

Chants for the blessing of the cross

BMV de Monte Carmelo

Our Lady of Mount Carmel


Botulph, Abbot, founder of Ikanhoe monastery

Catharinae Bononiensis

Catharine of Bologna, Poor Clare and mystical writer (canonized 1712)

Catharinae Senensis

Catherine of Siena

Comm. plurimorum Apostolorum in vigilia

Eve of Apostles

Comm. plurimorum Virginum in vigilia

Eve of several Virgins

Comm. unius Martyris in vigilia

Eve of one Martyr

Commem. Francisci

The commemoration of Francis of Assisi; anniversary of religious profession;&nbsp; anniversary of Papal approval for the first Franciscan Rule

De consecratione caemeteriorum

For the consecration of cemeteries

De quinque vulneribus Christi

The Five Wounds of Christ (celebrated on the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi in Mainz and on a variety of other days in different locations)

De uno defuncto

For one dead person


Dominic, founder of the Order of Friars Preachers


In week after Dominic


Edith (Eadgith) of Wilton, Virgin, Daughter of King Edgar


In week after Edith

Edwardi, Mart.

Edward &quot;the Martyr&quot; (son of King Edgar the Peaceful)

Fortunatae et sociorum

Fortunata (Virgin Martyr), and her brothers Carponius, Evaristus, and Priscianus

Fortunatae et sociorum,8

In week after Fortunata

Francisci Carracciolo

Francis (Ascanio) Carracciolo, confessor (canonized in 1807)

Francisci de Paola

(also "de Paula") Confessor, founder of the Order of the Minims

Francisci Salesii

Francis de Sales, Confessor, Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Church (canonized 1665)

Francisci Xaverii

Francis Xavier, Confessor, Apostle of India and Japan (canonized in 1622)


Ildephonsus, Archbishop of Toledo

In transitu Francisci

Anniversary of the death of Francis of Assisi

Inventio Catharinae

Finding of Catharine of Alexandria&#39;s relics on Mount Sinai (as venerated by the Parisian Confraternity of the Doublet Makers)

Inventio Clarae

The finding of Clare&#39;s relics

Inventio Francisci

The finding of Francis&#39;s relics


Iwigius (Ywi, Iwig, Ivi, Ywy, Ivy), Deacon, Hermit, of Lindisfarne

Joannis Francisci Regis

Jean-François Régis (also "John Francis Regis" and "St Regis"), priest of the Society of Jesus, canonized in 1737

Josephi Prophetae

Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel

Juventi corporis Clarae

The young body of Clare of Assisi

Leonardi a Portu Mauritio

Leonardo of Porto Maurizio (Leonard of Port Maurice), confessor, missionary and ascetic writer (canonized 1867)


Malachy, Bishop at Armagh, Ireland

Margaritae Cortonensis

Margaret of Cortona, penitent (canonized in 1728)

Missa in gratiarum actione pro expulsa tribulatione vel egritudine et reddit prosperitate atque salute

Thanksgiving mass for the grace of the expelling of distress or disease and the recovering of prosperity and health

Missa pro solo Episcopo dicenda

Mass said by the Bishop alone

Missa quam Sacerdos pro se dicere debeat

Mass which the priest must say for himself

Missa quam Sacerdos pro se dicere debeat digeritur hoc modo

Mass which the priest must say for himself in this way

Missa quam Sacerdos pro se in tribulatione dicere debeat

Mass which the priest in distress must say for himself

Missa votiva de omnibus Apostolis

Votive Mass for all the Apostles

Missa votiva omnimoda

Votive Mass

Missa votiva pluralis

Votive Mass on behalf of several people

Missa votiva quam dicit Episcopus quando presbyterum ordinat

Votive Mass said by the Bishop when a presbyter is ordained

Missa votiva singularis

Votive Mass on behalf of one person

Multorum in tribulatione

Chants for many in tribulation

Nicolai Pici et sociorum

Nicolas Pieck and 18 companions, Martyrs

Ordo ad consecrandum novum sepulcrum

Rite for the consecration of a new sepulchre

Ordo ad corpus parvuli commendandum

Rite for the commendation of the corpse of a child

Ordo ad reconciliandum paenitentes

Rite for reconciling with the penitents

Ordo ad visitandum vel perunguendum infirmum

Rite for the visiting or anointing of the sick

Ordo celebrandus super eum qui ab spiritu inmundo vexatur

Rite for someone possessed by an evil spirit

Ordo de energumeno

Rite for a possessed person

Ordo de parvulo defuncto

Rite for a dead child

Ordo de patribus et fratribus defunctis

Rite for dead parents and siblings

Ordo in commendatione presbyteri

Rite for the commendation of a presbyter

Ordo in finem hominis diei

Last rites (including extreme unction)

Ordo quando rex cum exercitu ad prelium egreditur

Rite when the king goes out to battle with his army

Ordo quando sal ante altare ponitur antequam exorcizetur

Rite when the salt is placed before the altar for its exorcism

Ordo super eum qui barbam tangere cupit

Rite for him who desires to anoint his beard

Ordo super sepulcrum quando clamore proclamatur

Rite over the sepulchre when the clamor is proclaimed

Ordo votivo energumeno id est daemonia sustinens

Votive ordo for a possessed person who is sustained by a demon

Potentianae virginis

Potentiana, Virgin (sepulchre found at Villanueva, Spain)

Pro amico

Chants for the friend

Pro Archiepiscopo

Chants for the Archbishop

Pro baptismo

Chants for baptism

Pro consecratione crucis

Chants for the consecration of the cross

Pro conversis

Chants for the converted men and women

Pro defunctis Episcopis

For the death of Bishops

Pro defunctis Sacerdotibus

For the death of priests

Pro febribus

Chants for fever

Pro infirmis

Chants for many who are sick

Pro omni populo christiano

Chants for all the Christian people

Pro ordinatione clerici

Chants for the ordination of a cleric

Pro pace

Chants for peace

Pro paenitente

Rite for repenting (not specifically for one or several penitents)

Pro paenitentibus

Chants for several pentitents

Pro reconciliatione ecclesiae

Chants for the restoration of churches and sacred places

Pro remissione peccatorum

Chants for forgiveness

Pro Sacerdote

Chants for the Priest

Pro salute vivorum

Chants for the health of the living

Pro serenitate

Chants for serenity

Pro sponso et sponsa

Chants for the bride and groom

Pro uno infirmo

Chants for one who is sick

Pro uno paenitente

Chants for one penitent

Q.T. Quadragesimae

Ember Days, Lent


Quirinus, Bishop of Siscia (Sissek)

Sophiae viduae

Sophia, widow

Teresiae Avilensis

Teresa (Teresia), Virgin, reformer of the Carmelite Order and ascetical write (canonized in 1622)

Transl. Clarae

The moving of Clare&#39;s relics

Transl. Dominici

Moving of Dominic's relics

Transl. Edithae

Moving of relics of Edith of Wilton

Transl. Francisci

The moving of Francis&#39;s relics

Translatio Wigberti

Moving of Wigbert&#39;s relics

Unius in tribulatione

Chants for one in tribulation


Vigilius, Martyr, Bishop of Trent


Willehad, Bishop of Bremen

Annuntiatio Mariae, Dom. infra oct.

Sunday after Annunciation of Mary


Avitus, Abbot and Confessor, born at Aurillac

Claudii commentariensis, Symphoriani, Nicostrati et sociorum

Claudius, his sons Felicissimus and Symphorianus, his brother Victorinus, and Castor the brother of the jailer Nicostratus, Roman Martyrs

Clementis Metensis

Clement, first Bishop of Metz

Comm. plurimorum Martyrum in vigilia

Eve of several Martyrs

Comm. plurimorum Virginum non Martyrum

Common of several Virgins (not Martyrs)

Comm. unius Martyris non Pontificis TP

Common of one Martyr (not Pope), Eastertide

De festis simplicibus

Chants for feasts of simple rank

Desiderii Lingon

Desiderius (Didier), Martyr, Bishop of Langres

Dom. infra oct. Edithae

Sunday within the octave of Edith

Edmundi Archiepiscopi

Edmund of Abingdon (Edmund Rich), Archbishop of Canterbury


Imerius (Himerius) of Immertal, monk, hermit, and missionary in the Swiss Jura

In dedicatione S. Mariae

Commemoration of the date when Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome to the service of God in the name of &quot;S. Mariae semper Virginis et omnium Martyrum&quot;

In nativitate Pontificis

Chants for the birthday of a Pope

Joannis Capistranensis

John of Capistrano, Confessor, Missionary


Indicates an erasure in MS (to be used when the liturgical occasion is unknown)


In week after Mark, Evangelist

Martini, Pont.

Martin I, Pope

Miraculi sanctae crucis

The miracle of the Holy Cross (celebrated at Wilton Abbey)

Oct. Joannis, Pauli

Octave of John and Paul


Piatus of Tournai (Piat de Seclin, Piaton, Platon, Piato), Martyr

Pro ordinatione Episcopi

Chants for the ordination of a bishop

Pro ordinatione Episcoporum

Chants for the ordination of several bishops

Pro quacumque necessitate

For all needs

Pro stabilitate loci

For stability of place

Purificatio Mariae, Vigilia

Eve of Purification of Mary

Reguli Silvanecti

Regulus of Senlis (Rieule), Confessor, Bishop of Senlis

Reguli Silvanecti, transl.

Moving of Regulus of Senlis&#39;s relics&nbsp;


Salvius, Bishop of Albi


Turianus, Bishop and Confessor

Vigilia Martini

Eve of Martin, Bishop of Tours

Thomae de Aquino

Hymn verse

