Displaying 201 - 250 of 602
Image Title Source type Century Notation
SK-Brl (Bratislava) Lyc F I 210 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine-bohemian
SK-Brl (Bratislava) Rkp. zv. 248 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) Rkp. zv. 249 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Brl (Bratislava) A 11587 Breviarium 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) Rkp. zv. 486 Antiphonarium 15th century German-gothic
SK-Brl (Bratislava) M 2910 Graduale 15th century Bohemian
SK-Brl (Bratislava) R 15301 Antiphonarium 15th century Bohemian
SK-Brl (Bratislava) Miscellanea 909 ii.b Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) Anabap. Nr. 9 Missale 14th century Bohemian
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 34 Missale 14th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 72 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 122 Antiphonarium 15th century Bohemian
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 218 Antiphonarium 14th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 324 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 325 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 372 Antiphonarium 14th century German-gothic
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BB 402 Breviarium 15th century German-gothic
SK-Brl (Bratislava) BF 116 Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) ŠA I 106 Antiphonarium 15th century German-gothic
SK-Brl (Bratislava) ŠA II 213 Antiphonarium (?) 15th century Messine
SK-Brl (Bratislava) ŠA III 65 Graduale 15th century Messine mixed
SK-BRp (Bratislava) M-844 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRp (Bratislava) M-967 Antiphonarium (?) 15th century Square
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1316 Antiphonarium 13th century Messine mixed
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1319 Antiphonarium 14th century German-gothic
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1320 Graduale 15th century Square
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1324 Graduale 14th century German-gothic
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1326 Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1327 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1328 Missale 14th century Messine
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1333 Kyriale 15th century Messine
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1335 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRu (Bratislava) Ms 1336 Missale 14th century Messine
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív Antiphonary of Bratislava V Antiphonarium 15th century Bohemian
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Graduale Nitriensis Graduale 16th century Esztergom
SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Antiphonale Scepusiense Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Graduale Scepusiense Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-KOs (Košice) Graduale RMK 185 PA Graduale 13th century German-gothic
SK-KOs (Košice) Missale B 517 PA Missale 13th century Esztergom
SK-KOs (Košice) Missale R 573 PA Missale 14th century Messine
SK-KOs (Košice) Missale GR 6286 Missale 14th century German-gothic
SK-KOs (Košice) Graduale RMK 174 PA Graduale 15th century Square
SK-KOs (Košice) Graduale B 1075a PA Graduale 15th century Messine mixed
SK-KOs (Košice) Graduale U 7 PA Graduale 15th century Square
SK-KOs (Košice) Antiphonarium B 748 PA Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-KOs (Košice) Antiphonarium V 981 PA Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-KOs (Košice) Antiphonarium R 246 PA Antiphonarium 15th century Bohemian
SK-KOs (Košice) Antiphonarium U 383 PA Antiphonarium 16th century German-gothic
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/2 Breviarium 13th century German Neumes
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/3 Graduale 13th century German Neumes
