Displaying 251 - 300 of 602
Image Title Source type Century Notation
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/8 Breviarium 14th century German-gothic
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/10 Antiphonarium 14th century German-gothic
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/11 Antiphonarium 14th century German-gothic
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/16 Missale 14th century Esztergom
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/22 Missale 15th century Messine
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/27 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.1/30 Graduale 14th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/33 Breviarium 14th century Messine
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/41 Graduale 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/42 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/43 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/44 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/45 Antiphonarium 14th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/46 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/47 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/48 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine mixed
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/49 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine mixed
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/50 Graduale 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EC Lad.2/56 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-Bra (Bratislava) EL 8 Antiphonarium 14th century Esztergom
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava IIa EC Lad.4 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb EC Lad.4 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Kre Cx III Breviarium 14th century Messine
SK-BRsa Kre Cx IV Breviarium 12th century German Neumes
SK-BRsa Kre Cx XVI Hymnarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Kre Cx XVII Cantionale 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Kre Cx XXIV Graduale 13th century German Neumes
SK-BRsa Lad. XV.Fasc.8, nr. 2 Antiphonarium 16th century Messine
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 103 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 107 Antiphonarium 15th century Square
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 176 Antiphonarium 15th century Esztergom mixed
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 184 Antiphonarium Varadinense Antiphonarium 15th century Bohemian
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 185 Antiphonarium Varadinense Antiphonarium 15th century Bohemian
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 193/1-2 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 197 Antiphonarium 15th century Esztergom
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 243, 294/1-2, 299 Breviarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Inv.Nr. 365 Sequentiarium 15th century Square
SK-BRsa Arm. III, Lad. 2, Fasc. 1, Nr. 5 Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Arm. VI, Lad. 3, Fasc. 4, Nr. 8 Antiphonarium 14th century Messine
SK-BRsa Arm. VII, Lad. 7, Fasc. 1, Nr. 1 Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Acta anni Sedlák Nr. 1 Sequentiarium 14th century Messine
SK-BRsa Acta anni Sedlák Nr. 3 Missale 14th century Esztergom
SK-BRsa Acta anni Sedlak Nr. 10 Antiphonarium 14th century Esztergom
SK-BRsa Acta anni Sedlák Nr. 11 Psalterium 14th century Messine
SK-BRsa Antiphonarium Scepusiense sine Sign. Anni 1560 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Antiphonarium Scepusiense sine Sign. Anni 1558-1564 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Antiphonarium Scepusiense sine Sign. Anni 1588-1591 Antiphonarium Messine
SK-BRsa Antiphonarium Scepusiense sine Sign. Anni 1596-1602 Antiphonarium 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Graduale Scepusiense Protoc. XVII Anni 1615-1616 Graduale 15th century Messine
SK-BRsa Graduale Scepusiense Protoc. XIX Anni 1616-1619 Graduale 15th century Messine
