List of chants

8 chants found.
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV
Folio Seq Incipit Cantus ID Feast
Image 117v 1 Quasi qui invenit spolia multa N V 01 007433a Dom. de Passione
Image 117v 2 Tulerunt lapides Judaei ut jacerent in V2 A M 005233 Dom. de Passione
Image 117v 3 Ploremus ante dominum qui fecit nos M I 001112 Fer. 2 de Passione
Image 117v 4 Dominus illuminatio* M A 206015 Fer. 2 de Passione
Image 117v 5 Erue a framea* M W 008058 Fer. 2 de Passione
Image 117v 6 Ne avertas faciem tuam a puero M R 1 007203 Fer. 2 de Passione
Image 117v 7 Eripe me domine* M V 01 007203a Fer. 2 de Passione
Image 117v 8 Pacifice loquebantur mihi inimici mei et M R 2 007346 Fer. 2 de Passione