SK-KRE (Kremnica) Graduale 1624–1625

SK-KRE Štátny archív v Banskej Bystrici, pracovisko Archív Kremnica, Magistrát mesta Kremnica, 1624–1625
SK-KRE 1624–1625

HOST VOLUME: Účtovná kniha 1624–1625

Source type: 
Monophony / Polyphony: 
Manuscript / Print: 
Page layout (mm): 
OD: 390×270 mm, DM: 289×192 mm, HL: 26 mm, HN: 14 mm, HSN: 4 mm, P: 4×4 mm
Incomplete source

Chants of the source

11 chants found.
Folio Seq Incipit Cantus ID Feast
Image 001r 1 Prope esto domine et [omnes viae MASS In g00510.1 Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus
Image 001r 2 Beati immaculati* MASS InV 01 g00510a Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus
Image 001r 3 Ostende nobis domine misericordiam tuam et MASS Gr g00511 Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus
Image 001r 4 Benedixisti domine terram tuam avertisti captivitatem MASS GrV 01 g00511a Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus
Image 001r 5 Deus tu convertens* MASS Of g00499 Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus
Image 001r 6 Ecce dominus veniet et omnes sancti MASS Cm g00513 Fer. 6 Q.T. Adventus
Image 001v 1 Veni et ostende nobis faciem tuam MASS In g00514 Sabbato Q.T. Adventus
Image 001v 2 Qui regis Israel intende qui deducis* MASS InV 01 g00514a Sabbato Q.T. Adventus
Image 001v 3 A summo caelo egressio ejus et MASS Gr g00515 Sabbato Q.T. Adventus
Image 001v 4 Caeli enarrant gloriam dei et opera MASS GrV 01 g00515a Sabbato Q.T. Adventus
Image 001v 5 In sole posuit tabernaculum ejus et MASS Gr g00517 Sabbato Q.T. Adventus