Displaying 301 - 600 of 1671
Name Term description Mass / Office Edit link

In week after Blaise


Boniface, Archbishop and Martyr


Botwid, Martyr


Brice, Bishop of Tours


Brigid (Bride), Abbess


Burchard (Burkhard), Bishop and Confessor


Cecilia (Cecily), Virgin Martyr


In week after Cecilia

Caesarii, Juliani

Caesarius and Julian, Martyrs


Callistus (Calixtus) I, Pope


Cantius, Cantianus and Cantianilla, Martyrs


Caraunus, Deacon and Martyr

Celsi, Juliani

Celsus and Julian, Martyrs


Chlodoaldus (Cloud), Frankish prince


Christina, Virgin Martyr


Christopher, Martyr

Chrysanthi, Dariae

Chrysanthus, Daria, Maurus, Martyrs


Chrysogonus, Martyr


Clare of Assisi, Foundress


Clement I, Pope and Martyr


In week after Clement


Cleophas, father of James the Less


Coloman, Martyr


Columba of Sens, Virgin Martyr


Columbanus (Columban), Abbot

Commune Apostolorum TP

Common of Apostles, Eastertide

Comm. Apostolorum TQ

Common of Apostles, Lent

Comm. Apostolorum,8

Common of Apostles, in week of

Comm. Conjungium

Common of Holy Matrons

Commune plurimorum Martyrum TP

Common of several Martyrs, Eastertide

Commune plurimorum Martyrum,8

Common of several Martyrs, in week of

Commune unius Confessoris Pont.

Common of one Confessor (Pope)

Commune unius Virginis Mart.

Common of one Virgin Martyr

Comm. unius Abbatis

Common of one Abbot

Commune unius Martyris

Common of one Martyr

Commune unius Martyris TP

Common of one Martyr, Eastertide

Commune unius Confessoris non Pont.

Common of one Confessor (not Pope)

Commune unius Martyris non Pontificis

Common of one Martyr (not Pope)

Commem. Dom. Res.

Commemoration of Easter (last Sunday before Advent)

Commendat. Animae

Chants for the commendation of souls

Commune BMV

Common chants for Mary

Commune Pontificis

Common of Popes

Commune Regum

Common of Kings

Compassio Mariae TP

The Sorrows of Mary, celebrated Friday after third Sun. after Easter

Conceptio Jo. Bapt.

The conception of John the Baptist

Conceptio Mariae

Immaculate Conception of Mary




Conrad, Bishop of Constance


Constantius, Bishop of Perugia

Constantini, Peregr.

Constantine and Peregrine, Bishops

Conversio Afrae

Conversion of Afra


Corbinianus, Abbot and Bishop

Cornelii, Cypriani

Cornelius and Cyprian, Martyrs


Corona, Martyr

Corporis Christi,8

In week after Corpus Christi

Cosmae, Damiani

Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs


Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs


Cucuphas, Martyr


Cunibertus (Quinibert), Bishop of Cologne


Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne


Cuthberga, First Abbess of Wimborne

Cyri, Joannis

Cyrus and John, Martyrs

Cyriaci et Soc.

Cyriacus and Companions, Martyrs


Cyricus and Julitta, Martyrs


In week after Cyricus


Damasus, Pope


David of Wales, Monk and Bishop

De Angelis

Memorial chants for Angels

De Angelis TP

Memorial chants for Angels, Eastertide


Votive Office for Mary

De BMV Adv.

Votive Office for Mary, Advent

De BMV Nat.

Votive Office for Mary, Christmas


Votive Office for Mary, Eastertide

De BMV post Ascen.

Votive Office for Mary, after Ascension

De BMV post Epiph.

Votive Office for Mary, after Epiphany

De BMV post Pent.

Votive Office for Mary, after Pentecost

De BMV post Purif.

Votive Office for Mary, after Purification

De Corona Spinea

Commemoration of the Crown of Thorns

De Esdras

Summer Histories, from Esdras

De Esther

Summer Histories, from Esther

De Imagine Domini

The Icon of our Lord Saviour

De Judith

Summer Histories, from Judith

De Machabaeis

Summer Histories, from Maccabees

De Patronis

Memorial chants for Patrons

De Prophetis

Summer Histories, from the Prophets

De Sancta Lancea

The Holy Lance

De Sanctis

Memorial chants for Saints

De Tobia

Summer Histories, from Tobias

De Trinitate,8

In the week after Trinity Sunday

Decoll. Antonini

Beheading of Antoninus


Dedication of Mont-Saint-Michel

Dedic. Bas. S. Petri

Dedication of Saint Peter's, Rome

Dedic. S.Salv., Mar.

Dedication of the Church of the Holy Saviour, St. Martial (Limoges)


Demetrius, Martyr

Depositio Emerici

Commemoration of the Burial of Emeric, Confessor, Son of King Stephen of Hungary

Depositio Ludgeri

Commemoration of the Burial of Ludger

Die 2 p. Assump.

First day after Assumption of Mary

Die 2 p. Epiphaniam

1st day after Epiphany

Die 3 a. Nat. Domini

The third day before Christmas

Die 3 p. Assump.

Second day after Assumption of Mary

Die 3 p. Epiphaniam

2nd day after Epiphany

Die 4 p. Assump.

Third day after Assumption of Mary

Die 4 p. Epiphaniam

3rd day after Epiphany

Die 5 a. Nat. Domini

The fifth day before Christmas

Die 5 p. Assump.

Fourth day after Assumption of Mary

Die 5 p. Epiphaniam

4th day after Epiphany

Die 5 p. Nat. Domini

4th day after Christmas

Die 6 p. Assump.

Fifth day after Assumption of Mary

Die 6 p. Epiphaniam

5th day after Epiphany

Die 6 p. Nat. Domini

5th day after Christmas

Die 7 p. Assump.

Sixth day after Assumption of Mary

Die 7 p. Epiphaniam

6th day after Epiphany

Die 7 p. Nat. Domini

6th day after Christmas


Denis (Dionysius), Bishop of Paris


In week after Denis, Bishop of Paris

Divisio Apostolorum

Sending forth of the Apostles

Dom. 10 p. Pent.,8

In 11th week after Pentecost

Dom. 11 p. Pent.,8

In 12th week after Pentecost

Dom. 12 p. Pent.,8

In 13th week after Pentecost

Dom. 13 p. Pent.

13th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 13 p. Pent.,8

In 14th week after Pentecost

Dom. 14 p. Pent.,8

In 15th week after Pentecost

Dom. 15 p. Pent.,8

In 16th week after Pentecost

Dom. 16 p. Pent.,8

In 17th week after Pentecost

Dom. 17 p. Pent.,8

In 18th week after Pentecost

Dom. 18 p. Pent.,8

In 19th week after Pentecost

Dom. 19 p. Pent.,8

In 20th week after Pentecost

Dom. 2 Adventus

2nd Sunday of Advent

Dom. 2 p. Epiph.

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Dom. 2 p. Pent.,8

In 3rd week after Pentecost

Dom. 20 p. Pent.

20th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 20 p. Pent.,8

In 21st week after Pentecost

Dom. 21 p. Pent.,8

In 22nd week after Pentecost

Dom. 22 p. Pent.,8

In 23rd week after Pentecost

Dom. 23 p. Pent.

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 23 p. Pent.,8

In 24th week after Pentecost

Dom. 24 p. Pent.,8

In 25th week after Pentecost

Dom. 25 p. Pent.

25th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 26 p. Pent.

26th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 27 p. Pent.

27th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 28 p. Pent.

28th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 3 p. Epiph.

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Dom. 3 p. Pascha,8

In 4th week after Easter

Dom. 3 p. Pent.

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 3 p. Pent.,8

In 4th week after Pentecost

Dom. 4 p. Epiph.

4th Sunday after Epiphany

Dom. 4 p. Pascha,8

In 5th week after Easter

Dom. 4 p. Pent.

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 4 p. Pent.,8

In 5th week after Pentecost

Dom. 5 p. Epiph.

5th Sunday after Epiphany

Dom. 5 p. Pascha

5th Sunday after Easter

Dom. 5 p. Pascha,8

In 6th week after Easter

Dom. 5 p. Pent.

5th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 5 p. Pent.,8

In 6th week after Pentecost

Dom. 6 p. Epiph.

6th Sunday after Epiphany

Dom. 6 p. Pascha

6th Sunday after Easter

Dom. 6 p. Pent.,8

In 7th week after Pentecost

Dom. 7 p. Pent.,8

In 8th week after Pentecost

Dom. 8 p. Pent.

8th Sunday after Pentecost

Dom. 8 p. Pent.,8

In 9th week after Pentecost

Dom. 9 p. Pent.,8

In 10th week after Pentecost

Dom. Adventus

Sundays in Advent

Dom. Pentecostes

Pentecost Sunday (also 'Whitsunday')

Dom. Pentecostes,8

In week after Pentecost

Dom. Quadragesimae

Sundays in Lent

Dom. Quinquagesimae

Quinquagesima Sunday

Dom. Resurrect.,8

In week after Easter Sunday

Dom. Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Sunday

Dom. de Passione

5th Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday)

Dom. inf. Oct.Apost.

Sunday after Peter and Paul

Dom. mensis Augusti

Sundays in August

Dom. mensis Nov.

Sundays in November

Dom. mensis Octobris

Sundays in October

Dom. mensis Sept.

Sundays in September

Dom. p. Ascensionem

Sunday after Ascension

Dom. p. Assumptionem

Sunday after Assumption of Mary

Dom. p. Cor. Christi

Sunday after Corpus Christi

Dom. p. Epiphaniam

Sundays after Epiphany

Dom. p. Gaugerici

Sunday after Gaugericus

Dom. p. Jacobi

Sunday after James the Greater

Dom. p. Jo. Bapt.

Sunday after John the Baptist

Dom. p. Mariae Mag.

Sunday after Mary Magdalene

Dom. p. Martini

Sunday after Martin

Dom. p. Nat. Dom.

Sunday after Christmas

Dom. p. Nat. Mariae

Sunday after Birthday of Mary

Dom. p. Oct. Nat.

Sunday after Octave of Christmas

Dom. p. Pent.

Sundays after Pentecost

Dom. p. Rel. Ved.

Sunday after Return of Vaast's relics

Dom. p. Tr. Vedasti

Sunday after Vaast's Translation

Dom. p. Vedasti

Sunday after Vaast

Dom. ult. ante Adv.

The last Sunday before Advent

Dom.1 mensis Augusti

First Sunday in August

Dom.1 mensis Nov.

First Sunday in November

Dom.1 mensis Oct.

First Sunday in October

Dom.1 mensis Sept.

First Sunday in September

Dom.2 mensis Augusti

Second Sunday in August

Dom.2 mensis Sept.

Second Sunday in September

Dom.3 mensis Sept.

Third Sunday in September

Dom.4 mensis Sept.

Fourth Sunday in September


Sunday after All Saints' Day

Dominica TP

Sundays, Eastertide

Dominica in estate

Sundays in summer


In week after Dominic


Donatus, Bishop of Arezzo


Donatianus, Bishop of Reims


Dorothy, Virgin Martyr


Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury

Duodecim Fratrum

Twelve Brothers, Martyrs


Eadburga, Abbess at Winchester


Edmund, King and Martyr

Edwardi, Conf.

Edward the Confessor, King of England


Egbert of Iona, Bishop


Egwin, Bishop of Worcester


In week after Egwin

Elev. Elis. Hung.

Elevation of Elizabeth's relics

Elev. Elis. Hung.,8

In week after Elizabeth's Elevation

Elevat. Auberti

Elevation of Aubertus's relics

Elevat. Gaugerici

Elevation of Gaugericus's relics

Elevatio Amandi

Elevation of Amand's relics


Elijah, Prophet


In week after Elijah


Eligius (Eloi), Bishop of Noyon

Elisabeth Hung.

Elizabeth of Hungary, Widow

Elisabeth Hung.,8

In week after Elizabeth of Hungary


Elisha, Prophet


In week after Elisha


Emerentiana, Virgin Martyr


Emmeramus, Bishop


In week after Epiphany


Erasmus, Bishop and Martyr


Eric IX of Sweden, King and Martyr


Eskill, Bishop of Northanscog and Martyr


Ethelwold, Bishop of Wincester


Eugene, Martyr, Disciple of Denis


Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr

Eupli, Leucii

Euplus, Deacon Martyr


Eustachius (Eustace), Martyr

Eustratii et Soc.

Eustratius et al, Martyrs


Euticius (Eutice, Euthycius), Martyr


Eutropius, Bishop of Saintes, Martyr


Evurtius (Euvert), Bishop

Exalt. Crucis,8

In week after Holy Cross Day

Exceptio Marcelli

Reception of the Relics of Pope Marcellus I at Cluny

Exspectationis BMV

The Expectation of Mary (The Expectation of the Birth of Jesus)

Faustini, Jovitae

Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs


Felix 'II', Pope

Felicis Nolani

Felix of Nola, Confessor

Felicis, Adaucti

Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs

Felicis, Regulae

Felix and Regula, Martyrs

Felicissimi, Agapiti

Felicissimus and Agapetus, Marytrs


Felicitatis, Matron and Martyr

Fer. 2 Adventus

Mondays in Advent

Fer. 2 Cor. Christi

Monday after Corpus Christi

Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Monday, 2nd week, Advent

Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Monday, 2nd week, Lent

Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Monday, 2nd week after Epiphany

Fer. 2 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Monday, 3rd week after Epiphany

Fer. 2 Hebd. 4 p.Ep.

Monday, 4th week after Epiphany

Fer. 2 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Monday, 5th week after Easter

Fer. 2 Hebd. 5 p.Ep.

Monday, 5th week after Epiphany

Fer. 2 Pent.

Pentecost Monday

Fer. 2 Quadragesimae

Mondays in Lent

Fer. 2 Quinquages.

Quinquagesima Monday

Fer. 2 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Monday

Fer. 2 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Monday

Fer. 2 Trinitate

Trinity Monday

Fer. 2 in Letaniis

Rogation Monday

Fer. 2 p. Ascensio.

Monday, week after Ascension

Fer. 2 p. Epiphaniam

Monday, week after Epiphany

Fer. 2 p. Nat. Dom.

Monday, week after Christmas

Fer. 3 Adventus

Tuesdays in Advent

Fer. 3 Cor. Christi

Tuesday after Corpus Christi

Fer. 3 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Tuesday, 1st week, Advent

Fer. 3 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Tuesday, 2nd week, Advent

Fer. 3 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Tuesday, 2nd week after Epiphany

Fer. 3 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Tuesday, 3rd week, Lent

Fer. 3 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Tuesday, 3rd week after Epiphany

Fer. 3 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Tuesday, 4th week, Advent

Fer. 3 Hebd. 5 Pasc.

Tuesday, 5th week after Easter

Fer. 3 Pent.

Pentecost Tuesday

Fer. 3 Quadragesimae

Tuesdays in Lent

Fer. 3 Quinquages.

Quinquagesima Tuesday

Fer. 3 Septuagesimae

Septuagesima Tuesday

Fer. 3 Sexagesimae

Sexagesima Tuesday

Fer. 3 Trinitate

Trinity Tuesday

Fer. 3 in Letaniis

Rogation Tuesday

Fer. 3 p. Ascensio.

Tuesday, week after Ascension

Fer. 3 p. Epiphaniam

Tuesday, week after Epiphany

Fer. 3 p. Nat. Dom.

Tuesday, week after Christmas

Fer. 4 Adventus

Wednesdays in Advent

Fer. 4 Cor. Christi

Wednesday after Corpus Christi

Fer. 4 Hebd. 1 Adv.

Wednesday, 1st week, Advent

Fer. 4 Hebd. 2 Adv.

Wednesday, 2nd week, Advent

Fer. 4 Hebd. 2 Quad.

Wednesday, 2nd week, Lent

Fer. 4 Hebd. 2 p.Ep.

Wednesday, 2nd week after Epiphany

Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 Adv.

Wednesday, 3rd week, Advent

Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 Quad.

Wednesday, 3rd week, Lent

Fer. 4 Hebd. 3 p.Ep.

Wednesday, 3rd week after Epiphany

Fer. 4 Hebd. 4 Adv.

Wednesday, 4th week, Advent

Fer. 4 Hebd. 4 Pasc.

Wednesday, 4th week after Easter
